WOW Thanks: Stargazing Volunteers
For our Stargazing Event, October 22
We could not have asked for a more beautiful night for Stargazing than last Saturday! Many, many thanks to all the people who made this special evening great: Dr. Kristen Thompson, Dr. Mario Belloni, and their students, of Davidson College’s Physics Department; the Charlotte Amateur Astronomers Club; and all those who set up and supervised parking and reception: Pam Dykstra, Elaine Story, Nancy Bondurant, Jeff Kochiss, Mur Beck, Charlie and Rosemary Raynal, Joan Konen, Alice Sudduth, Janet and Patrick Werner, and John and Erin Burke. Thank you! We’re already planning for next year’s Stargazing event, so stay posted!
Meanwhile, you could put these Davidson College events on your calendar:
December 1-3: Davidson Star Party, as part of Christmas in Davidson
April 1: First Annual Davidson Space Day—Join the College in front of the Chambers building for a full day of family fun!
April 22: Davidson Star Party, held as a part of the NC statewide star party!
For more information about these, send an email to Dr. Kristen Thompson,
If you’d like to be part of the local astronomer community, you may contact the Charlotte Amateur Astronomers Club at