WOW Thanks: Catawba Lands Conservancy
For the “Carolina Thread Trail” Outing October 9
Thank you, Mary Ann Harrison, of the Catawba Lands Conservancy, the lead agency for the Carolina Thread Trail. She led us on part of the trail (Mile 100!) in Davidson where we talked about trees, their leaves, nuts and seeds. While enjoying a perfect fall day, we came across a very friendly turtle, frogs and water snakes. We especially appreciated the nature books Mary Ann brought for all the kids to take home. The West Branch Nature Preserve is a special part of Davidson, where there are original wetlands, beaver dams and lodges, birds and more. We hope you and your family find time to enjoy this park, along with other lands DLC, the town of Davidson and the county have preserved. For more on these go to
For more about the Carolina Thread Trail, go to or to
Be sure to watch for more WOW outings in future newsletters!